Start in Amsterdam - End in Munich

Thursday, October 14, 2010

June 8th

Let me tell you the tale of the 8th day of June. It is a magical day. Under normal circumstances, it would be magical mainly because it is the day after the last day of school (at least for students) for both Michelle and I. But this year, the date has come to have special significance...

I have been doing a great deal of web searching for airfares to Australia and New Zealand and this is what I have discovered;
  • There are very good fares available.
  • These very good fares end June 8th (for departures). Depart after that date and you will pay 25-35% more, which is a deal killer for us.
  • These fares are good for departures from Los Angeles, not from Minneapolis

So, as far as the potential for a trip to Australia & New Zealand is concerned, we are facing the question of whether or not it is practical to depart on the day after school lets out. There are many obvious drawbacks to this possibility, not the least of which is the fact that Michelle usually works several days after that last day of school (though she is not expected to) and that I may actually be expected to work the next few days. Add to that the general stress involved for everyone in the family at that end-of-school-year time and combine it with the stress to be expected for trip departure preparation and it may be a dangerous combination.

But it is tremendously tempting to try it. Not only is the airfare for the long distance flights quite reasonable on June 8th, but on Quantas, the Australian airline, you can also book numerous relatively short flight options for a discount in combination with the longer flights. Oddly, it doesn't matter that all of these flights would occur after June 8th. In fact, the initial flight departing from Los Angeles would depart at ... get this ... 11:50 PM on June 8th!! but no matter, it's June 8th, and non-summer high season pricing applies. Leave the next day and the same flights are $2000 more for our family. Kind of insane, isn't it?

But anyway, getting back to those multiple flights, here is one example (of at least a dozen possibilities) that I like because it allows us to avoid backtracking on the ground and puts the farthest south locations (where it would be coldest) earlier in the trip, before their winter really kicks in;
  • June 8th; Fly LA to Auckland, NZ (on the northern part of the northern island), recover from jet lag and see a bit of NZ's largest city.
  • June 12th; Fly to Christchurch, NZ (midway down the southern island) and rent a car. Spend 12 days meandering about 1000 miles back north toward Auckland.
  • June 24th; Fly from Auckland to Sydney & spend 5 nights there.
  • June 29th; Fly from Sydney to tropical Cairns on the far north coast, near the Great Barrier Reef. Rent a car & stay for a week in a cottage rental there, then drive south to the Whitsunday Islands area and spend a week in a cottage rental there, then drive south to Brisbane.
  • July 15th; return the car & fly to LA from Brisbane.

Those three additional flights allow us to cover a great deal of territory very efficiently and only add about $150/person extra to the cost of the two long flights. That's an amazing bargain.

What's that you say? Yes, I know we don't live in Los Angeles. This whole scenario also depends on getting a separate (hopefully cheap) flight to LA to take advantage of the discount options available there. Don't worry, I've taken all that into account. The whole thing would still cost more than we have ever spent on airfare for any trip, just not obscenely more... it would if we tried to do exactly the same thing departing 15 minutes later...

...on June 9th.


  1. Well, if you really want to go to Australia, I say do it. Not having kids yet, I can't speak to how that changes things, but I've had many a year when I left town the day after school was done. In some ways it is stressful because you have to get all the paperwork and other things done while kids are still there. But in other ways it is really liberating. The fact that you are gone right away gives you a different perspective on what "the end" really is. When we went to England in 2008, I left school the last day, got in the car with Emily and we drove to her parents house. The next day we were on a flight to England. Sounds like your flight from Minn would actually make you miss the last day - but hey - that is what personal days are for! :)

    Of course, it is too bad you can't change the weather in Australia to be summer at that point!

  2. Not much gets done on the last day of school anyway, so I'd think the kids would be willing to miss it, especially if it meant going to AUSTRALIA!!! That's on my bucket list, going to Australia and visiting the Great Barrier Reef before and scuba diving it! I say go for it... I can at least live vicariously through you guys next summer!

  3. Say, I think your blog has a different time zone on it...

  4. Hey Cary, do you two have travel plans for next summer? I was sorry to see your blog end so abruptly, but I faced the same issue for a while. Without another trip on the horizon, there is not much left to say...

  5. Tram,

    I don't think we would have to miss the last day of school. I think we would just have to find a flight (there are many to choose from) from Mineapolis to LA that arrives some time before abot 10PM on the 8th. That would give us almost two hours to find the next gate and/or allow for delays.

    I'm not sure how visiting the reef would work. I don't swim. Michelle is a nervous swimmer. Joshua is just learning and none of us will be getting scuba-certified any time soon. Snorkeling near a beach would be fun, but out on the open water I think we might be stuck with sitting on a glass-bottomed boat with all the old folks...

  6. I should probably have some posts like yours during the year talking about our plans. Unfortunately my school year has been busier than usual this year - I have two first year teachers on my team (of 3). I'll have to update it soon. Do you have it on a reader?
